Alchemy: The Soul
My fascinations of alchemy has dragged me beyond the realm of transmuting lead into pure gold, and well beyond the realm of immortality with the elixir of life. Now I am more concerned about the "sameness" of earth and heaven as stated in the Emerald Tablet;
That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above,
And that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below
To accomplish the miracles of the ONE THING.
And just as all things come from this ONE THING
Through the meditation of ONE MIND,
So do all created things originate from this ONE THING
Through Transformation.
If I am correct to assume that all heaven and earth came from the One thing, then it must be possible that even the soul of a human being comes from that One Thing. I will not analyze the Emerald Tablet just yet, for I lack the knowledge nor the understanding to actually grasp the concept of the Tablet. However, I understand that there is a ONE THING from which all things came from, earthly and divine, which is the reason for the "sameness" of the Above and the Below.
I have seen from the Azoth of the Philosophers a triangle with the symbol of the sun, moon, and the celestial (probably pertaining to mercury). The symbol of the sun is called Anima which means soul, the moon is called Spiritus which is spitrit, and the celestial is called corpus or Body. I cannot tell yet the difference between the three but just this sudden realization compelled me to write. What if the soul of a human is actually an atom? Or maybe we go to something smaller, an RNA. I could go smaller to strings but I do not yet fully understand the characteristics and behaviour of the string. What ever it is, it is tangible. Well not really tangible as in tangible but I mean something that we can see although we can't really see it with the naked eye. It's like looking at the floor, and even though you cannot see the dust particles you know that it is there. Therefore, for this article, I will refer to that particle, the human soul as the Atom. Whether it be quarks or strings or RNAs, let us call it an Atom, for the purposes of this discussion.
Now why do I suggest that the Human soul is actually an atom, well the concept of the ONE THING (if I had interpreted this correctly) tells us that all things come from this ONE THING, and naturally that ONE THING will leave something of its essence on all things (which have changed through the passage of time); and what is it that resides in all things except for the atom. But first let us understand what the soul means. The soul, according to a dictionary, is the "essential part of a person's identity." What is then the person's identity? Would identity be personality and physical features? If that is so then the human soul is indeed the atom, for it is the atom that comprises the proteins and cell structures which make our physical attributes, and the very chemicals responsible for our psychological make-up or rather the chemicals which influences our behaviour.
The bible constantly motivates us to reconcile with the Divine. It yearns to find, to be filled with the graces of the Divine, and I can only wonder why it does so (I cannot know why the soul wants to be united with the Divine and my only guess is that it is incomplete by itself. Christianity taught us that pure happiness can be achieved when we rejoin God in the heavens.) That very atom is what connects us to the ONE THING, well actually, that atom is the very thing that connects us to everyone. If I am correct that the atom is the Human soul, and since that atom is what comprises everything, then not only is it the Human soul, it is the soul of the universe, of all that is created.
The soul's yearning to reconcile with the Divine then is nothing more than a yearning for the death of the person which carries the soul (or probably which is the soul, the bodily composition itself as being the essence of a person), for with death the body will turn to dust and once again reunite with the universe. And now with this notion we are presented with two most important concept. 1) The Law of Conservation of Matter and 2) Reincarnation. According to the Law of Conservation of Matter, Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. In this sense, if the SOUL is actually the ATOM, which is physical and takes up space just like all Matters, then when the person dies, the body is not actually lost, the SOUL which is every Atom in the body, which is to say, THE BODY is actually reunited with the universe. Because the atoms of the body is not destroyed but carried by the winds to other parts of the universe to take up a new form. Taking up the space it hadn't lost in the first place. On Reincarnation, simply put, when the atoms takes up a new form and becomes another thing, then it is simply the reincarnation of the soul of that dead person. Because his soul took on a new form and became the soul of another thing.
The Soul is possibly the Atom, but if we accept this realization as the fullest truth then it opens up more questions. Answering the question of what the Soul is, is like cutting off the head of a hydra. When one head is cut off, two more takes its place and even fiercer than before. This realizations opens a whole knew set of questions and some inconsistencies with the Emerald Tablet. But It will be my quest to fully comprehend this. Probably, this understanding is the Philosopher's Stone.
That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above,
And that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below
To accomplish the miracles of the ONE THING.
And just as all things come from this ONE THING
Through the meditation of ONE MIND,
So do all created things originate from this ONE THING
Through Transformation.
If I am correct to assume that all heaven and earth came from the One thing, then it must be possible that even the soul of a human being comes from that One Thing. I will not analyze the Emerald Tablet just yet, for I lack the knowledge nor the understanding to actually grasp the concept of the Tablet. However, I understand that there is a ONE THING from which all things came from, earthly and divine, which is the reason for the "sameness" of the Above and the Below.
I have seen from the Azoth of the Philosophers a triangle with the symbol of the sun, moon, and the celestial (probably pertaining to mercury). The symbol of the sun is called Anima which means soul, the moon is called Spiritus which is spitrit, and the celestial is called corpus or Body. I cannot tell yet the difference between the three but just this sudden realization compelled me to write. What if the soul of a human is actually an atom? Or maybe we go to something smaller, an RNA. I could go smaller to strings but I do not yet fully understand the characteristics and behaviour of the string. What ever it is, it is tangible. Well not really tangible as in tangible but I mean something that we can see although we can't really see it with the naked eye. It's like looking at the floor, and even though you cannot see the dust particles you know that it is there. Therefore, for this article, I will refer to that particle, the human soul as the Atom. Whether it be quarks or strings or RNAs, let us call it an Atom, for the purposes of this discussion.
Now why do I suggest that the Human soul is actually an atom, well the concept of the ONE THING (if I had interpreted this correctly) tells us that all things come from this ONE THING, and naturally that ONE THING will leave something of its essence on all things (which have changed through the passage of time); and what is it that resides in all things except for the atom. But first let us understand what the soul means. The soul, according to a dictionary, is the "essential part of a person's identity." What is then the person's identity? Would identity be personality and physical features? If that is so then the human soul is indeed the atom, for it is the atom that comprises the proteins and cell structures which make our physical attributes, and the very chemicals responsible for our psychological make-up or rather the chemicals which influences our behaviour.
The bible constantly motivates us to reconcile with the Divine. It yearns to find, to be filled with the graces of the Divine, and I can only wonder why it does so (I cannot know why the soul wants to be united with the Divine and my only guess is that it is incomplete by itself. Christianity taught us that pure happiness can be achieved when we rejoin God in the heavens.) That very atom is what connects us to the ONE THING, well actually, that atom is the very thing that connects us to everyone. If I am correct that the atom is the Human soul, and since that atom is what comprises everything, then not only is it the Human soul, it is the soul of the universe, of all that is created.
The soul's yearning to reconcile with the Divine then is nothing more than a yearning for the death of the person which carries the soul (or probably which is the soul, the bodily composition itself as being the essence of a person), for with death the body will turn to dust and once again reunite with the universe. And now with this notion we are presented with two most important concept. 1) The Law of Conservation of Matter and 2) Reincarnation. According to the Law of Conservation of Matter, Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. In this sense, if the SOUL is actually the ATOM, which is physical and takes up space just like all Matters, then when the person dies, the body is not actually lost, the SOUL which is every Atom in the body, which is to say, THE BODY is actually reunited with the universe. Because the atoms of the body is not destroyed but carried by the winds to other parts of the universe to take up a new form. Taking up the space it hadn't lost in the first place. On Reincarnation, simply put, when the atoms takes up a new form and becomes another thing, then it is simply the reincarnation of the soul of that dead person. Because his soul took on a new form and became the soul of another thing.
The Soul is possibly the Atom, but if we accept this realization as the fullest truth then it opens up more questions. Answering the question of what the Soul is, is like cutting off the head of a hydra. When one head is cut off, two more takes its place and even fiercer than before. This realizations opens a whole knew set of questions and some inconsistencies with the Emerald Tablet. But It will be my quest to fully comprehend this. Probably, this understanding is the Philosopher's Stone.